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To Shallow Rivers from The Merry Wives Of Windsor (3:1)

Willow on the river in early autumn

Like many songs by Shakespeare, a lot of the material in this song is borrowed from other sources. The original tune was no doubt based on a folk song of the day, and the words themselves, are a paraphrase (or some might say “mis-quotation” ) of a famous poem by Sir Christopher Marlowe, The Passionate Shepherd To His Love, which many people have studied in school. Ironically, Marlowe was a contemporary of Shakespeare, a master playwright in his own right, and one of his rivals. They most likely new each other. The song is sung by the character Sir Hugh Evans. I have taken my own liberties with the song. I modernized “peds”, the Welsh pronunciation of “beds”. I also dropped the second verse, which is almost the same but lacks cohesion, as it is interrupted by dialogue, and added a “fa la la la la” fantasy section to spice things up a little and add more musical interest. No other lyrics have been altered, but the interupted “to shallow” has been repeated, to carve out a refrain. The most significant change has been in the choice of singer. I felt the song would benefit from a young child singer, given its happy nature.

Performed by: Divine

Sheet Music by Special Request
Choral Music Version SATB also Available for Choirs

To shallow rivers, to whose falls
Melodious birds sing madrigals.
There will we make our beds of roses,
And a thousand fragrant posies.

To shallow, to shallow, to shallow.
To shallow, to shallow, to shallow.

To shallow rivers, to whose falls
melodious birds sing madrigals.
There will we make our beds of roses,
And a thousand fragrant posies. (to refrain)

Fa la la la la….

Repeat Chorus. Repeat Verse 1. Key Change. Repeat Chorus.

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